S.P.A.C.E (Supporting Parents And Carers Endeavour) more than just a coffee morning group.
There will be an opportunity to meet fellow parents & carers in a relaxed, friendly setting.
Lots of laughter and fun with the opportunity to learn something new.
Tasty food and refreshments will be available at every session
Space aims to offer a unique support group for parents/carers of children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
workshops and guest speakers
sessions are held at St George’s Community Centre, for dates join the space Facebook page community
Manchester Parent Champions is an online peer to peer support group who are parent carers that have lived experience of SEND.
Champions know about the range of services and support available through the Local Offer and attend local offer drop ins.
They tell other parents about the Local Offer and the help and support that’s out there.
offering support and sharing information on their Facebook and twitter page
Creating friendship
Parent carers on the group page can also be supported to become involved in particular areas of interest.
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